
As we all know, the TreeGenes study is the first and up to now the only scientific research study conducted among second-generation Jews in the Netherlands and addresses the trans-generational transfer of Shoah traumas resulting in physical or somatic disorders. In academic circles, the idea...

With great interest, Jacques Barth, principal investigator of the TreeGenes study has given an update of the clinical results at the European Cardiology Congress. It is clear that after the analysis and update of the most recent data, the cardiovascular problems in the Dutch Jewish...

Already four podcasts on the TreeGenes study and the fifth arrived May 29. Content of the podcast: interview with Principal Investigator Jacques Barth on the preliminary results of the cardiovascular measurements and additional new observations from a broader perspective. The interview lasts 20 minutes and was...

At the Conference Medical Review Auschwitz: Medicine Behind The Barbed Wire (Krakow May 5-8) that was followed by MIRCIN (McMaster University Department of Medicine from May 9-11), Jacques Barth MD, PhD presented the preliminary results of the TreeGenes study. This study assesses the impact of...

TreeGenes at a conference in October 2018, in Poland Jacques Barth and Maria van Beurden Cahn gave a lecture on TreeGenes at the Third European Conference on Nazi Medicine ‘Building memory – Building Resilience’  in early October 2018 to an audience of academics from Germany,...

Jacques Barth and Maria van Beurden Cahn at the European Society of Cardiology Congress Successful, avid interest, questions and acknowledgement of the problems. The interest mainly came from Germany and Denmark because the interaction between psychological problems and cardiac and vascular illnesses was confirmed. Several...

Jacques Barth and Maria van Beurden Cahn were at the 6th INoGS Global Conference on Genocide The International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) was founded on 14 January 2005 in Berlin in order to provide genocide studies with a non-partisan community in which to research and...

Interview with research director Jacques Barth: what motivated him to launch TreeGenes? Why did you start TreeGenes? And what is your personal interest in the study? I am a preventive cardiologist. I look for ways to treat disorders preventively. At a reunion of my high school class...

For fourteen years, Jacques Barth worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and one of the results was a patented invention. You can read all about it in another news item on this website. In early December 2018, NASA published its list of the ultimate...

Jacques Barth, the principal researcher of TreeGenes, is an internationally renowned and consulted top researcher. In addition to being the research director of TreeGenes, he also still practices as a cardiologist. Below you can see his invention, the Carotid Intima Media Thickness + Plaque. It...

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