4 September 2019 @ 21:13
Press release TreeGenes Research ESC Paris 2019
With great interest, Jacques Barth, principal investigator of the TreeGenes study has given an update of the clinical results at the European Cardiology Congress. It is clear that after the analysis and update of the most recent data, the cardiovascular problems in the Dutch Jewish 2G appear to be omnipresent and are underestimated by current medical guidelines.
During the discussion, some members of the Steering Committee emphasized the importance of these research results (again). Not only because morbidity of cardiovascular diseases is significantly higher in the 2G population, but also psychoactive medication is 100% above what is considered maximum. Co-researchers from Sweden, Canada, Israel and the US were shocked by the high and long-term usage of the prescribed dosages of the psycho-active medication. In particular, the duration of use of the psychoactive medication is worrisome. The need to have these medications prescribed for this vulnerable group is seriously questioned. The Steering Committee wonders whether this vulnerable population gets the right therapeutic options. This group deserves a holistic approach and not only treatment on symptoms.
The following progress report will take place in four months.
Additional questions can be raised and send to mariacahn@treegenes.nl
ESC Congress 2019 was organized together with the World Congress of Cardiology, Paris, France 31 August – 4 September 2019.